7 Tips for Deeply Connecting with Spiritual Sites

Are you being called to experience some of the world’s sacred sites? For many spiritual seekers, they provide essential grounding and important realisations along their enlightened journey - not to mention they are an exciting and fun aspect of our awakening!
I have been blessed to have travelled too many sacred sites around the globe. So I was surprised when I recently had one of my most profound spiritual moments in a little known step pyramid just hours outside of Jakarta: Gunung Padang. Of course it wasn’t by luck, experience had taught me a thing or two about visiting these multidimensional treasure troves.
To help you get the most out of your spiritual adventures, here are my seven top recommendations for exploring sacred sites.

1.USE A REGISTERED GUIDE: No one knows these sacred sites like they do and never under estimate who they are. Trust me, there is nothing like being guided through an ancient site by someone who knows its purpose, its protocols, and how to use it correctly. It will bring you the experience you were meant to receive. You might even find the guide who is the Guardian/Keeper of the site. They know the energy of the sites and will guide you through the site safely, both physically and spiritually.

2.YOUR INTENTION IS KEY: As much as possible whilst you are at the site, be as pure as you can be, including having an open heart and mind. Be completely neutral towards the experience and hold no expectations of what might or might not happen. Just go with the intention of being pure and fully present. At Gunung Padang, I constantly reminded myself to be neutral, with no judgements or expectations. This is how I started every meditation in the designated areas suggested by the Guardian. I’m glad I did. It felt deeply honouring and respectful to the mountain, its inhabitants and its creators. Perhaps this is why my realisations were so easily accessible.

3.GO WITH OTHERS: This point is not about your personal safety (although that is always important travelling to new places), it’s about multidimensional access. No matter how consciously open you are, you will not receive everything that is available. Some realisations will come through others, so journey with a group of enlightened friends. It's more fun and could be a truly transformational experience for you all. Besides, the more the merrier. You will be glad you did, I know I was.

4.KNOW YOUR PURPOSE: After hearing my friend’s mixed bag of reports about Gunung Padang, I knew the energy was both light and dark. Whilst I knew I had to go, I wasn’t sure why the Mountain of Light had called me. Was it to continue the work my friends had started, to cleanse and give healing to the mountain? Or was I going to receive an energy realignment and upgrade? Sometimes, your purpose is clear, you know it in your heart like you know your name. If you can’t determine your purpose, simply allow yourself to be pure and fully present at the site. Don’t try to merge with it, simply be yourself. It might just open more doors than you could ever have imagined.

5.TAKE ONLY PHOTOS AND MEMORIES: Purchase your souvenirs and don’t remove anything from the site, even flowers or leaves. The only exception is if the Guardian gifts something to you that he/she has been instructed to give to you. In this exception it might be a plant or flower, something that doesn’t alter the site in any way. Under no circumstances remove or disturb rocks or similar from a sacred site. You don’t need that type of karma!

6.SHARE: Share your experiences with your guide, no matter how strange or far out they might seem. Trust me, if they are the true Guardian of that site, they have seen and experienced more than any of us will ever encounter. Guardians are some of the most spiritually enlightened beings on the planet. What you share could assist them in their role. You may perhaps confirm or deny what they already know, but it’s always nice to get confirmation, even for them. It has been my experience that these incredibly humble individuals need our support and respect. As an added benefit, you will probably make a new friend for life.

7.GIVE BACK: It has been my experience that most locals of sacred sites feel the energy and either consciously or unconsciously know it holds a deep significance. These communities are often rural and make many sacrifices to care for the site. Often wonderful produce is available which holds the energy of the site. At Gunung Padang, organic coffee, unrefined coconut sugar and honey is available. They are delicious! Lovely accommodation is available if you wish to stay overnight on the mountain, which I highly recommend. We stayed in an excellent local Bed and Breakfast, who provided us with superb vegan and gluten-free local dishes. Plus the beds were comfy and the rooms were spotlessly clean.

There is much I would love to share about my experiences at Gunung Padang but it doesn’t feel right to share them out at this time. Some sites are meant to be cloaked or quiet for good reasons. The time for sharing about Indonesia's Mountain of Light will come.
So whether you are off to Bali, Uluru, the Giza Pyramids or somewhere in-between, following these seven recommendations will definitely help you get the most out of your spiritual adventures. Enjoy your awakening and I’ll see you on the path.
In Love and Light, always.
